Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Get off to a great start

Check out the following You Tube link. This clip is a great ice breaker that I have used for the start of a few communication planning sessions.

It gets a very important message across without the use of a straitjackets, table thumping or a vicious dog straining against a fragile leash.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

The origin of 'The Spike'

The Spike' is a chiefly British term used to refer to a pointed metal rod or wire inserted into and held in a lead base. It was used mainly in subs rooms of newspapers where journalists stories which did not make the grade for publication were consigned to the spike.

Spikes were used in an era when newspapers offices were shrouded in a cigarette haze and reeked of stale alcohol.

A few too many sherbets at the Prince of Wales or Rose hotels always created the danger that a piece of fleshy palm would be 'spiked' along with the drivel from a fresh-faced cadet.

Hitting the 'delete' button on the same piece of rubbish these days does not have the same physical satisfaction but it is a lot easier on the hands.